Monday, January 12, 2009

the boys!

so i think i will update ya'll a little more on the boys. they are so funny!!
Matt is great. he just got switched to a different shift, so it is a change for him, but i think he likes it. i think he is fine anywhere as long as they let him put out fires and help people. he is so funny, he has not been working as much overtime this winter as he did in the summer, so he has been home more. which is nice for me, but probaley a little boring for him, but at least he gets sleep at home. the kids just love him and he and kyle are always playing together. he is the best person i know.
kyle is also great. he is working so hard on his potty training. he went the whole day today without any accidents, yea!! he is trying to go good, but he doesn't know when to tell us he has to go until its too late. but if i remind him, he does great. there is one downside to the potty training, he will not quit showing me his weiner, and touching it. honestly, i think he just has to keep tabs on it all the time. oh well, he is a boy.
so the boys are great, and are so funny. they are a realy great part of our family


Petree's said...

Kyle's wein...that is so funny!! He will get a hold of the potty really soon I think after a week Heidi had it down!!

the speers said...

Oh my gosh...I totally forgot to say hi on your anniversary, although I totally thought of you guys the whole day because Chris's little sister got married on the 27th, too! you guys are so cute!

the speers said...

Oh my gosh, I had to read your post....I so don't look forward to potty training...good luck!!!!

James and Rebecca said...

Potty training Ahhh! They out source it now, I'm seriously thinking about it when Dillon's ready!

Jackson Family said...

Cortney- Hi I'm so glad that Ashley had you on her blog. I'm so glad that you and your family are well. Your kids are so cute! Chrissy-

Jarae said...

Cortney!!! Hey I'm so excited to see that you have a blog. We need to get together sometime soon. Looks like you guys are doing great.