Wednesday, March 18, 2009

i heart kilts

yesterday the iffd pipes and drums did a little show downtown, where they walked to several places and played for everyone to celebrate st. patricks day. i went and watched and had so much fun. every place they went people went nuts and cheered. matt played so well, and i was so excited to see how he did. my friend was a good sport and came with me. it was really fun. the link to the news picture is cool, but matt is hidden by the piper in the middle. and naturally i forgot my camera. also, just a little side note, it is so funny to see middle aged women go nuts over seeing the younger guys in their kilts. so funny!!


Jarae said...

I saw Matt on the news last night. He was smilin away. Trying not to look at the camera. He's so funny. Lovin the kilts.

The Bluths said...

That's funny! And by the way, the font is small so it's kinda hard to read, I sound like an old lady saying that!

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This is your cousin Ashley in Las Vegas. Can i get your address? Thanks so much! Love to ya'll!

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Unknown said...

Amazing. That's so cute!
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