kyle and savannah cuddling
so yesterday matt was off of work, so we went down to blackfoot (small town about 25 minutes away) to the eastern idaho state fair. i was not sure what to expect,but it was pretty good sized actually. (it was not texas state fair though)kyle loved seeing all the animals and savannah slept the whole time, which i think she equally enjoyed. matt and i laughed so hard at how quickly would go up to animals and start talking to them.he was bossing the goats around in the petting zoo, then he caught one sneaking food from his little cup, so he told her to go over to time out. kyle asked me a couple times if we could take a horse home. we saw huge cows and horses, they never seem so big when they are in a field or on tv. kyle even got to go on a little ride all by himself, he was so cute, but had a death grip on the sides the whole time. despite not getting any good fair food (i love funnel cakes) it was really fun!
also, this morning kyle was downstairs with me while i was making muffins, and our laundry room is right by our kitchen, so kyle comes out of the laundry room wearing as much as he can of matt's dress uniform. he is so cute and funny. notice the socks, he was especially proud of those!!
I love the pictures. Kyle and Savannah continue to get and stay so cute. I miss them so much. Do they remember me ??? I hope so. Miss you
aww...the Blackfoot fair! I went to that when we were roomies...and Rascal Flatts was there--WHY didn't I go that night?!! Your babies are so stinkin cute! Savannah is getting so big! When is Kyle's b-day? so cute! :D
Sweet! Idaho fairs (at least the ones I've been to) are so ghetto, but so awesome! Cute pics. I think Savannah looks like you.
Great pictures! I can't believe he got all that on by himself! Savannah is darling! I love all her bows!
She's gotten so big! Hope you are doing well and feeling stronger- next time we are in SLC you'll have to come down!
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