Monday, March 10, 2008


today matt and i took kyle to "try on" a new dog. he loved it, i think that he understood that all the dogs wanted to see him. matt and i actually had a lot of fun too. we probabley could have taken home 6 dogs, but that is the same as when i was little. well, there are pictures on kyle's blog so everyone look at them. he keeps saying "our dog" so i think he is very excited.


Amber in Deutschland said...

Oh Cortney!!
Kyle is so cute with Dodger! How very proud you must be.
I hope everything works out with the puppy.
Have fun in Chicago!
lots of love!

Debbie Bond said...

ARE YOU CRAZY!!!! Taking care of my son and my grandson and my new grandchild isn't enough work for you!!! You are superwoman - but I have to admit that puppy is very cute and Kyle looked so happy. I guess I wished my kids had grown up with animals. We could never have them and I know they each miss having a pet when they grew up. They are now making up for it.

Amy said...

Hey Cortney! How are you? I found your blog while I was looking through other blogs from our ward. I'm so excited that you are pregnant!! That's very exciting!! So are you in Idaho Falls now? That dog is very cute! Good luck with everything and feel free to look at our blog. It's

Brownies said...

Hey! Cute dodgy doggy! Are you guys moving into a house? Luckeeeeeeee! Baylie wants to say hi to Kyle. love you.